Monday, 5 December 2016

#Blogmas 2016 - Day 5 - Musing Monday - Libraries & what I'm currently reading

Musing Mondays - December 5, 2016

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme that asks you to choose one of the following prompts to answer:

  • I’m currently reading…
  • Up next I think I’ll read…
  • I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
  • I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I can’t wait to get a copy of…
  • I wish I could read ___, but…
  • I blogged about ____ this past week…

I’m currently reading…

Forest of Ruin (Age of Legends #3) by Kelley Armstrong

In my post for last week's Musing Monday I discussed how I had just started reading Sea of Shadows the first book in this Kelley Armstrong trilogy. As you can see I am now up to the last book. I finished Sea of Shadows on Saturday. I just enjoyed it so much that I immediately dove into the second book, Empire of Night as soon as I had put down the first. I spent yesterday devouring that in between loads of laundry and while chatting with Angie, and when I finished it I picked up Forest of Ruin. Since I had to work today I'm only up to page 75.

Because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone who might want to read the series, I won't comment further on the potential accuracy or inaccuracy of my earlier thoughts relating to the character of Gavril. The end of the first book was a gut punch, I was SO glad that I had Empire of Night readily at hand because I needed to know what was going to happen. Empire of Night did not disappoint, I found it as equally exciting as Sea of Shadows. At the end of Sea of Shadows we're introduced to the young bastard Prince, Tyrus Tatsu, who is a childhood friend of Gavril, and who befriends Moria and Ashyn when they arrive at court. He continues to be important becoming one of the main characters in Empire of Night.

So far I am enjoying Forest of Ruin just as much as I enjoyed the first two books so here's to hoping it doesn't let me down! Here's the Goodreads summary. THIS SUMMARY CONTAINS MASSIVE spoilers, so if you plan on reading this trilogy DO NOT READ IT, scroll past and read my random question answer without looking at the next paragraph:

"The empire rests on the edge of a knife, and sisters Ashyn and Moria are the handle and the blade. Desperate to outmaneuver the evil Alvar Kitsune, whose hold on the people grows stronger every day, Emperor Tatsu begs Moria to put aside past grievances and ally with Gavril—at least long enough to make an attempt on Alvar’s life. Meanwhile, reunited with her long-lost grandfather, Ashyn discovers that she is the key to a ritual that could reawaken an ancient dragon and turn the tide of the coming battle in their favor.
But with lies and betrayal lurking around every corner, Ashyn and Moria will have to decide once and for all where their allegiances are. And it may not be where their hearts would lead them…
In this breathtaking final book in her epic trilogy the Age of Legends, #1 New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong blends fantasy, action, and romance to give readers the unforgettable ending they’ve been waiting for."

          THIS WEEK’S RANDOM QUESTION: Do you visit your local library regularly? If so, what’s your earliest memory of visiting a library?

Well seeing as I work in a academic library I'd say it's safe to say I visit A local library regularly, since I visit it every day to work! But I am nitpicking because I am sure this question was really about whether or not I visit my local public library. I am lucky in that I live in an area with 2 city public libraries and 1 regional public library. That being said I don't visit the public libraries nearly as often as I should. When I was working at my city's public library as a Library Page I was forever bringing books home after a shift. Now, because I do that from the library I work at, the only time I ever go to the public library is when I can't get the book I want at work, or there isn't an ebook copy in the public library's electronic collection. I really should make a point of taking at least one public library book out every month. Maybe that'll be one of my personal reading goals for 2017.

Now for the second part of the question. I grew up in Toronto, Ontario. When I was little Toronto was still made up of 4 individual boroughs so there was the East York Public Library and the Scarborough Public Library. I remember being annoyed that I couldn't take things out at the Public Library branch in the shopping mall we frequented most often because we lived in East York so we couldn't have Scarborough Public Library cards. I remember going to the local, teeny, tiny 2 room branch of the East York public library every weekend, we would always go on a Saturday and I would get to have 2 movies and however many books I thought I could read in that week. I'd say a good 90% of the time one of my 2 movie choices was always the original BBC version of The Lion, The Witch, and The Wardrobe (the one with the awful anthropomorphic animals). I went to so many storytimes and craft hours and was just such an engaged little user that I was on a first name basis with the branch Librarian Irene from the time I was about 4. She was a constant figure in my childhood I remember that.


  1. Sounds like you have the perfect job for someone who loves books. I often thought of studying to be a librarian, and even worked in the college library when attending college. But I took another path for my career.

    Loving books has been part of my world, too, like most of us who blog. Thanks for sharing...and for visiting my blog.

  2. I've heard so many great things about Kelley Armstrong's books. I think she's an author I need to try in 2017.

    I enjoyed your library memories too. I wish for you that your local library as a kid was bigger, but at least you did grow up with a love of reading! :)
