Wednesday, 14 December 2016

#Blogmas 2016 - Day 13 - My year in books a Goodreads infographic

Since I'm having a bit of writer's block today and also had to run some errands this evening which made me unable to look at the library books I got about Christmas I thought I'd take a more graphical approach to my post tonight and share my Goodreads year in books infographic. This was such a in the butt to actually get saved as a single image!! So I'm putting it under a jump cut because it's HUGE. It was actually even harder to get it to upload without resizing itself to the point where it was unreadable but I finally figured out how.

Originally generated via Goodreads - click here to see it.


  1. WOW so many books. You are one amazing reader

    1. Hehe yes I read lots. I'm surprised that the longest book I've read was the first book I read this year! Usually I have at least 1 giant book. Maybe I'll fix that there are 3-4 big ones I've been eyeing on my to be read pile. Including that biography of Walt Disney I keep saying I'll read.
