Saturday, 21 January 2017

Graze Box Number 1 Unboxing

A couple of years ago I used to have a regular subscription to Graze Box, a weekly or bi-weekly box containing four snacks.  There are several types of box to choose from.  Variety box is the main box and will contain a selection from the full range of graze snacks available.  There are also Graze Light (all snacks below 150 calories), chocolate, kids and lots of others to suit all different palates.  You can also browse the snacks on offer and choose to 'bin' anything you wouldn't like to receive, for example I don't like anything with coconut so I chose to bin any snacks containing coconut so I will never get these in my box.  Likewise if you try a snack and don't like it, you can mark it as binned so you will never receive it again.

On the flip side if you try a snack that you particularly love, you can mark it as 'Love' and you will receive it more often.

I stopped my subscription a while back now for a few reasons. I wasn't eating as many of the snacks so they tended to stockpile and I felt it silly to get more and more boxes when I wasn't eating the snacks I already had.  Also money was a factor and I had to cut back on any non essential items and unfortunately this was one of them.

However I recently decided to renew my subscription and I received my first box today.  I opted for the Graze Light box to keep the calorie content down in line with my Slimming World plan.  I always work out all the syn values for the snacks when I receive them using the nutritional information leaflet provided.

The snacks I received are all ones I have tried before so I know I'm going to like all of them.

1. Slightly Sweet Popping Corn.   I love popping my own popcorn, there's just something about hearing it popping in the microwave that's slightly more satisfying than just opening a bag.  Graze do 3 different flavours which are Sweet, Salted and Black Pepper.  The sweet is the only one I like so I can't wait to munch on this, probably tonight.

2. Eleanor's Apple Crumble.  Apart from loving the name (because my niece is called Eleanor), this is especially tasty thanks to the cinnamon honeyed almonds in it.  The dried apple pieces I can take them or leave them but it's the nuts that really make this snack for me.  It also contains raisins as well.

3. Chocolate Pretzel Dippers.  This snack is a little indulgent and is the highest calorie value in the box (but still under the 150 as it's a light box).  It's a few pretzel sticks and a chocolate dip to dunk them in, it really feels like a naughty treat when you have this one.

4. Lightly Toasted Pistachios.  I had never tried pistachios until I got them in a Graze box the first time I subscribed and I quickly discovered how tasty they are.  This time I got the lightly toasted ones which are nice but they also do a BBQ flavour version which are amazing, I hope I get them soon.

All in all I was very pleased with my first box.  I've chosen to get the boxes fortnightly so I don't end up with a huge pile of them again, so I will ration them out to 2 per week, probably at weekends as a treat.   

If anyone wishes to try a Graze box subscription, I have a referral code which enables you to get your first box free.  You aren't tied into any length of subscription but if you decide to continue with the boxes, this code means you will also get your 5th and 10th boxes for free as well.

The code is 7PZV1P2WB 

Follow the link here

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