Saturday, 23 September 2017

#30DaysofReadathon - 30 days to go until the Dewey 24 hour #readathon

I swear to god I am not a masochist! I know you're probably thinking I am crazy signing up for another challenge in 2017 given that I still have 5/6 to complete by December 31...but that's the beauty of this challenge! Dewey's 24-hour read-a-thon is a 24-hour event to read as much as humanly possible in that 1 day time period. This is actually perfect for helping me to plough through some of my challenge items!! Apparently, this particular read-a-thon (which happens on Saturday, October 21) marks the 10th anniversary of the annual read-a-thon. To mark the celebration the read-a-thon people are running a lead-in event, which I have elected to participate in. It's a countdown using different categories to showcase books participants like as you can see from the list of topics in the above below.

30. Favourite book

It is the summer holidays, and one night Harry Potter wakes up with his scar burning. He has had a strange dream, one that he can't help worrying about...until a timely invitation from Ron Weasley arrives: to nothing less than the Quidditch World Cup!

Soon Harry is reunited with Ron and Hermione and gasping at the thrills of an international Quidditch match. But then something horrible happens which casts a shadow over everybody, and Harry in particular...

I have a lot of "favourite" books, but even among all those favourites the entire Harry Potter series stands out as my absolute favourite. And if I have to highlight only one book from the series and say "That, that one right there is my favourite." then it's going to be Goblet of Fire. It used to be Prisoner of Azkaban but that changed with the most recent re-read of GoF earlier this year. In my most recent read, I realised the GoF is my favourite because so much more happens in it. It's the first of the long Harry books and it sets the stage for everything that is to come in OoTP, HBP, and DH. It does a really good job of setting that stage. All the shit starts to hit the fan and you really start to see a lot of growth and development in most of the characters in this one.

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