Tuesday, 2 May 2017

Musing Mondays - Nelvana of the Northern Lights & fiction vs. non-fiction

Musing Monday, May 1, 2017

Musing Mondays is a weekly meme that asks you to choose one of the following prompts to answer:

  • I’m currently reading…
  • Up next I think I’ll read…
  • I bought the following book(s) in the past week…
  • I’m super excited to tell you about (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I’m really upset by (book/author/bookish-news)…
  • I can’t wait to get a copy of…
  • I wish I could read ___, but…
  • I blogged about ____ this past week…

I’m currently reading…

Nelvana of the Northern Lights
by Adrian Dingle, Hope Nicholson (editor), Rachel Richey (editor)

This is yet another book that I came across while perusing the comic/graphic novel/manga collection at the library where I work. I've probably been sitting on the book for about a year. I have term loan privileges at work, so if something catches my eye I check it out and bring it home and then just kind of horde it until I get around to reading it on my own, or until someone puts a recall on it and I get spurred on my having to read it before it's due back.

It caught my attention for a few obvious reasons. First being that it's a superhero comic, I love superhero comics! Secondly because not only is it a superhero, it's a CANADIAN superhero which is just rare enough to ALWAYS be exciting. And lastly because I had never, ever, heard about it before and the best way to find out more is by reading it!

I decided to start reading it this weekend in particular because I got on a bit of a comic kick again. I'm still trying to get through The Gunseller, which I've ended up having to renew because I had no brain capacity to read it the week I was sick, but it's going slowly because while I like it, I don't like it enough to not let myself be distracted by other things. So I'm being distracted by other books, but I don't want to commit to a second novel at the moment. Enter me trying to renew all my books from work on Friday and finding out that I couldn't renew Guy DeLilisle's Jerusalem because someone had placed a hold on it. That meant I had until May 15th to read and return it. So I decided to just read it this weekend. On Friday night I finished DeLilisle's Shenzen which I had started on the previous Sunday and then left sitting on my desk all week. Then on Saturday, I spent most of the morning, and a bit of the afternoon starting and finishing Jerusalem (which is, REALLY good!). After that, I decided since I was on a role I might as well finally finish off the last volume of Akira so that I could finally take it back to work too (that one ended weirdly to me...). Once I hit that point I just decided to turn the whole weekend into a comics weekend again and grabbed Nelvana off the shelf where I keep my library books:

Nelvana of the Northern Lights returns from the lost pages of Adrian Dingle's Triumph Comics! Nelvana was one of the world's very first superheroines, predating Wonder Woman by several months, and is among the ranks of the first Canadian superheroes to emerge after Canada placed an embargo on US luxury goods during WWII. First appearing in 1941, Nelvana was tasked with protecting Canada's northern lands. Using the powers of the northern lights, Nelvana could fly at incredibly fast speeds, become invisible, and even turn into dry ice! She used her great powers to ward off Nazi invaders, shady fur traders, subterranean mammoth men, and interdimensional ether people. For the first time since her story ended in 1947, Nelvana's complete adventures have been collected and reprinted in one single volume, with over 320-pages of artwork by her creator Adrian Dingle. Also featured is an Introduction by editors Hope Nicholson and Rachel Richey, and a Foreword/Afterword by Dr. Benjamin Woo and Michael Hirsh.-- via Goodreads
So far, at the time of pre-writing this part on Sunday morning, I've read the editors introductions and the foreword, and those three things have got me primed and excited to read the actual comics!

        THIS WEEK’S RANDOM QUESTION: Do you prefer Fiction or Non-Fiction?

Fiction, oh gods fiction. I have always preferred fiction to non-fiction. Especially genre fiction. I've always had a hard time getting into non-fiction. Some notable exceptions to that are trivia books and collections short anecdotes/cases like this one book floating around my house with profiles of evil dictators. I keep saying I'm going to try and get into more non-fiction but every time I try it doesn't work. Lately, though I have discovered one area of non-fiction that I do enjoy: graphic novel memoirs. I've read most of Guy DeLilisle's and also Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi.

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